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 برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى

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عدد الرسائل : 110
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2008

برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى   برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى Icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 09, 2008 1:18 pm


Get the newest version here.

Skype 3.6 for Windows

للتحميل السريع الفورى تفضلDownload now

You seem to be running an older version of Skype.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version.
برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى Vista_cert_badgeMake calls from your computer – free to other people on Skype, cheap to phones and mobiles across the world. And the sound quality is great, too – keep it running all day, and it’s like you’re in the same room as the person on the other end.


  • Free Skype-to-Skype calls to people anywhere in the world.
  • Free video calls - plus get more detail than ever before with High Quality Video.
  • Call phones and mobiles at pretty cheap rates per minute.
  • Instant message when it’s not a good time to talk.
  • Forward your calls and get text messages when you’re not online.
  • Search the web with the Google Toolbar (optional install).

New in this version

برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى Feature_highqualityvideo_win
برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى Hq_logo_small
High Quality Video
Clearer, crisper, sharper - our best ever video call quality.

High Quality Video

Download Skype and you can make free video calls. All you need is a webcam and the standard system requirements for Skype above.
We’ve launched High Quality Video giving you our clearest, crispest, sharpest ever video quality. To use High Quality Video, you’ll need:

Want some more detail?

There’s lots more to know about High Quality Video. Read about it here.

    <LI class=title>
    System requirements

  • PC running Windows 2000, XP or Vista. (Windows 2000 users require DirectX 9.0 for video calls).
  • Internet connection (broadband is best, GPRS is not supported for voice calls, and results may vary on a satellite connection).
  • Speakers and microphone – built-in or separate.
  • For voice and video calls we recommend a computer with at least a 1GHz processor, 256 MB RAM and of course a webcam.
  • For High Quality Video calls you will need a high quality video webcam and software, a dual-core processor computer and a fast broadband connection (384 kbps).
Technical details
Version File size 22 MB. Official release. Release date: February 5, 2008. File name: SkypeSetup.exe

Skype is also available for Windows
Windows (Business version)
Mac OS X
Windows Mobile
WiFi phones
Cordless phones
3 Skypephone
Nokia N800/N810
Skype is safe
Learn how secure Skype is.VoIP explained
Learn how VoIP works.
برنامج skype3.6 for windows الرهيب فى الشات الصوتى تحميل فورى Logitechhqwebcam
Get a clearer picture with High Quality Video. Really see the difference with these webcams.
Buy now
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